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C213. Ko Kinko Shibuichi Tsuba with Hozon Paper
C213. Shibuichi tsuba papered to Ko Kinko. 6 x 6.55 x .45 cm at the riased rim. The nakago hitsu-ana is .7 x 2.8 cm. A very intricately carved tsuba with raised edges to leaves and exceptionally fine nanako on the background. Hozon paper from the NBTHK in 2011. The seppa-dai is unusual: it is raised with a scalloped edge and punch marks in spirals decoration. I don’t know which school or group would have done this work but I’ve been told there are at least 2 pieces with similar treatment in issues of Juyo Token Nado Zufu, so maybe someone has the answer. Condition is excellent. $900.
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