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S102. Nicely mounted Sukesada wakizashi
Koshi sori, long chu kissaki, itame, ko itame, with occasional mokume hada with fine ji nie. The hamon is midare/notare with various elements, including ko choji, worked in a bright nioi guchi with ko-nie and with sunagashi and ashi. The boshi is irregular with partial nijuba, strong hakikake, and ko maru with a short kaeri. The blade is in polish with a few faint scratches. The blade is also a bit tired: a few spots of shintetsu are starting to show. There is, however, no loose grain, nor any other defect.
The mounts are all Soten style and my pictures will tell you what you need to know. The kotsuka is here but there is no kogatana (I can help with getting a replacement if you like). The horn piece at the mouth of the kotsuka pocket has been repaired; otherwise the saya is in excellent condition with no missing lacquer. Everything fits properly: nothing is loose or moving about.
If you have questions, please ask. Thanks. 1 pound, 10 ounces. $2,250.
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