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K86. Signed & Dated Armor Piercing Tanto in Higo Koshirae
K86. Yoroi doshi tanto signed Ikansai Kanetora and dated Ansei Ni Nen Ju gatsu Hi (October of 1855).
Nagasa: 8 7/8″ 22.6 cm.
Sori: None, slight uchizori at the tip
Moto haba: 2.5 cm.
Moto kasane: .9 cm.
Nakago nagasa: 4 3/16″ 10.7 cm.
Overall in koshirae: 16 1/2″ 41.5 cm.
Unokubi zukuri with iore mune. The hada is ko itame with a touch of ko mokume and masame. The hamon is notare midare worked in a bright and consistant nioi guchi covered in ko-nie, with ashi and other hataraki. The boshi is jizo with a long kaeri. The blade is ubu, one hole, in polish, flawless, and mounted with a copper habaki.
The koshirae is en suite and of the Higo School (Hosokawa mon all over), all of iron with gold & silver mon. The tsuba has been permanently mounted with the saya; it is meant to be this way. There are nicks and dings to the saya lacquer; there is a sleeve in the saya for a umabari but none is present. The seppa is gold foil. Other than for the dings in the lacquer, condition of the koshirae is excellent.
Ikansai Kanetora was the son of Saneo who was the brother of Kiyomaro (the Shinshinto Masamune). Kanetora did for a time study with his uncle Kiyomaro. This is a very nice tanto in fine and unique koshirae; one of you should be quite pleased to own it. 1 pound, 6 ounces. Was $4,450; now $3,450.
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