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B1071. Ko-ji Ho-ten by V.F. Weber
B1071. Ko-ji Ho-ten: Dictionnaire à l’usage des Amateurs et Collectionneurs d’objets d’art Japonais et Chinois (Dictionary for use by amateurs and collectors of Japanese and Chinese art) by V.F. Weber. 1965 reprint of a 1923 original. Clothbound in 2 volumes, 11 1/2 x 15 1/4″, more than 1,000 pages in French. This is the 1st time for me to have this book; never seen it before. 2 very large volumes of everything Japanese & Chinese art. There are illustrations on nearly every page, many of them tsuba. The books have been used but not abused; condition is good. 18 pounds, 13 ounces. $225.
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