C183. Japanese Art, Mosle Auction part 1


C183.  Japanese Art: Part One of the Collection of Alexander G. Mosle’ by Parke-Bernet Galleries, NYC, 1948.  Softbound, 6 1/4 x 9 1/2″, 53 pages.  Alexander Mosle’ ammassed one of the most important collections of kodogu anywhere on earth.  In 1948, as he was in the hospital near death, the majority of the collection was auctioned off for a pittance.  I have heard that the buyers, mostly dealers, agreed before hand not to bid against each other.  For whatever reason, prices were rediculously low (daisho swords with koshirae by 2 Goto masters with a lacquered stand for $275).  This is the catalog for the 1st of the sales.  After 2 or 3 pages of lacquer the rest is Nihonto.  Except for the 1st 3 pages all lots have prices realized written in.  This is an amazing connection to a great moment in Nihonto collecting in the west.

Other than a shallow crease in the front cover all is fine.  5 ounces.  $75.

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