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B856. Kokusai Tosogu Kai 12th Annual Convention
B856. Kokusai Tosogu Kai 12th International Convention & Exhibition. 2016. Hardbound with a slipcase, 8 1/2 x 12″, 94 pages in English and Japanese. The KTK is a private, invitation only club of kodogu collectors. Once a year they meet to show off their collections and every year they publish a very beautiful book; this is their latest. Fine pieces in equally fine color photography and thoroughly described; at the back of the book you’ll find an essay titled, “Q & A on Tosogu’s Historical Structure and Value”. This is great fun to read.
This book is with a trusted consignor to my site; he will ship from Canada and my usual guarantee applies. The book is new, perfect. 2 pounds, 2 ounces. $100.
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