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B396. Tsuba: Sammlung. Dr. W. Fahrenhorst. 2 volumes.
B396. Tsuba: Sammlung. Dr. W. Fahrenhorst. (I have found this book title listed elsewhere as Doitsu Kara Kaette Kita Tsuba) By Tomihiko. Volumes I & II. 1969 & 1971. Clothbound with dust jacket and plastic jacket, 6 x 8 ½” 170 & 238 pages in Japanese. The Fahrenhorst collection was important and these books show it well. Mostly tsuba and with a smattering of other kodogu, presented in color and black & white photos.
I’ve decided to sell these books as one lot. If you would like to buy just one get in touch and we’ll work something out. The binding of volume I is loose; there are no loose pages but the book is a bit compromised. Volume II is in excellent condition. 2 pounds, 10 ounces. $60.
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