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B1046. Near Complete set of Tosogu Yuhin Zufu with Partial Translation
B1046. Tosogu Yuhin Zufu by Sasano Masayuki, Volumes 3 through 12 and 16 through 18. 1987 – 1995. Volumes 3 to 12 are a laced binding, 8 1/4 x 11 3/4″, 15 to 27 pages each in Japanese. Volumes 16 to 18 are softbound, 7 1/4 x 10 1/4″, about 40 pages each in Japanese. This is the journal of a study group that Mr. Sasano headed, and publication ceased at # 18 after Mr. Sasano’s death. Crisp, clear photos of fine tosogu; a lot to like.
Included also is a pressure bound, 38 page printed one side translation to English. The translation starts with issue 3, same as this set. I am uncertain how much further towards the end of a complete set it goes – maybe to # 12. See my last picture.
I have also a complete set; see C115, and a few individual issues, see C240.
There is some sun fading at the spine and top of the cover; otherwise condition is excellent. 3 pounds, 8 ounces. Now $295.