T461. Signed Iron Tsuba with Soft Metal Overlay
T461. Iron tsuba with overlaid sickle and branches in copper. 7.8 x 8.1 x .4 cm at the raised rim. The nakago hitsu-ana is .8 x 2.5 cm. There is a very interesting and unusual surface on this tsuba: hammer work I suppose but it looks almost as though molten iron has been dripped all over (enhanced by the partially melted yakite surface treatment). I would expect the same on the rim but except for a few intentional indents and a couple very subtle tekkotsu, the rim is smooth. Interesting tsuba however it was done. Signed but I haven’t taken the time to translate; sorry. The ryo-hitsu was at one time open and with a shakudo pillow; it is now filled with high quality shakudo. $245.
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