T438. Papered Higo Jingo Tsuba, Koi in Waterfall


T438.  Iron tsuba papered to Jingo by the NBTHK.  6.5 x 6.75 x .4 cm.  The nakago hitsu-ana is .8 x 2.9 cm.  A koi in a waterfall: classic Jingo work.  There is nunome zogan on the tail and again on the back side as plum blossoms.  The NBTHK, in awarding the paper, has used the Kanji for Go that they say represents 3rd or later generation work.  I honestly think this could be 2nd generation, possibly 3rd at the latest.  My last 2 pictures are of a tsuba given to the Nidai (2nd) by Ito Mitsuru in his book on Hirata nad Shimizu: quite similar.  The NBTHK has become very conservative in issuing papers; pity.  Condition is excellent; the iron is wonderfully worked and there are a few subtle tekkotsu on the rim.  Comes in a fitted box with pillow.  $2,395.

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