Q868. Spectacular Papered Iron Tsuba, Shoki The Demon Queller


Q868. Iron tsuba. 7.9 x 8.4 x .45 cm at the raised rim (and the plate is thicker than that where there are design elements). The nakago hitsu-ana is .9 x 2.7 cm. Tsuba with a theme of Shoki the Demon Queller are quite common; I must have had a dozen from time to time on my site. This one, however, is a cut above; it is quite fine. Shoki rules supreme at the top and the demon (oni), who is hard to find at first, hides under rocks and bushes at the bottom. Gold and a bit of silver inlay are used sparingly, especially on the back; the oni is copper. The two ryo-hitsu have been nicely plugged with shakudo. There are subtle tekkotsu on the rim.

This tsuba comes with a custom fit box of dense tropical hardwood and a Hozon paper from the NBTHK in Tokyo, dated 2010 and giving it to Aizu Shoami. Condition is pristine. $695.