C311. Tsuba Signed Heianjo Nagayoshi
C311. Signed iron tsuba. 7.9 x 8.8 x .43 cm on the uchikaeshi rim. The nakago hitsu-ana is .8 x 2.5 cm. The former owner of this tsuba decided, because he could find no smith with this signature who produced work like this in mid to late Edo times, that it is most likely made by a swordsmith. There was a swordsmith, Heianjo Nagayoshi, working about Kanbun (1660s) who was known for his carving and, as the surface of the tsuba is finished by hammer work and carving, he might be a good candidate. This could also be a meikan more (unknown smith). Whoever made it, he did nice work. There are prominent linear tekkotsu on the rim and the tsuba appears to have been waxed. Great condition and in a box with pillow and a label in English pasted on. $495.
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