S136. Long Papered Katana signed by Jumyo
S136. Large and long katana in koshirae, signed Mino no Kami Fujiwara Jumyo.
Nagasa” 28 3/4″ 73 cm.
Sori: 2.1 cm.
Moto haba: 3.6 cm.
Moto kasane: .8 cm.
Saki haba: 2.2 cm.
Saki kasane: .5 cm.
Nakago nagasa: 20.7 cm.
Overall in koshirae: 40 1/4″ 102.5 cm.
Ubu, 2 holes (extra mekugi-ana at the bottom of the nakago for security with an overly large blade), shinogi zukuri, iore mune, very long chu-kissaki. This will come with a record sheet from Aoi-Art; here is what they had to say. “Itame hada well grained masa nagare and hadatachi style (easy to see the texture). Niedeki, togari gunome midare sanbonsuji style. There are many sunagashi and small kinsugi work.” I can add that the boshi is a continuation of the hamon (complex) ending in a strongly swept 0-maru and a short kaeri. And there is a very tiny fukure (blister) which is shown next to the red star in my last picture. This is found about 2/3 of the way up the omote. Very tiny, nearly insignificant, but it is there and I mention it. Otherwise, there is a running masame midway up the shinogi-ji of the ura (see my 21st picture) and a vert short tate-ware’; the rest is flawless. Other than for a couple small spots, the blade is in polish. This was given a paper in 2007 by the NTHK.
This sword comes in koshirae and there is shira-saya with a tsunagi. I know this is the opposite of usual but this is how it came to me and I see no reason to change it. A couple short splits at the mouth of the shira-saya have been glued. This will come also with a full length oshigata from Aoi Art.
The saya is red brown lacquer with horn koi-guchi, kurikata, and kojiri. The lacquer is flawless. The habaki is shakudo foil. The tsuba is iron sukashi. The fuchi is shakudo and the kashira is horn. The menuki are shakudo. The tsuka-ito is well done and intact.
Aoi says Mino Kami Jumyo worked in late Muromachi but Hawleys has him at the beginning of Kanbun (1661). The sori is too strong for Kanbun Shinto so maybe this is a bit earlier. In Japanese, Jumyo can mean long life; thus swords by the many Jumyo smiths are frequently seen. This one is quite fine: large and fully mounted. Nice package. 5 pounds. $3,495.
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