S128. Nicely Mounted Armor Piercing Tanto with a Crack


S128. A mu mei yoroi doshi tanto with a ha-giri under the habaki.

Nagasa: 10 1/8″ 25.8 cm.

Sori: .2 cm.

Moto Haba 2.9 cm.

Moto Kasane: .8 cm

Nakago Nagasa: 3 3/4″ 9.7 cm.

Overall length in koshirae: 16 1/4″ 41.5 cm.

Ko-nuka (rice flour) hada. The hamon is notare worked with sunagashi, kinsuji, hotsure, and covered in ko-nie. The boshi is a continuation of the hamon with o-maru and is strongly swept with a medium return. There is a crack (ha-giri) under the habaki. Best guess is that this is Shinshinto or latest Edo. The polish is fine except for a few small stains, a few shallow scratches, and some surface corrosion and rubbing above the mune-machi on both sides. The habaki is shakudo.

The koshirae is quite nice and at least half en suite. The lacquered saya is very well done and in immaculate condition. the menuki are birds under tsuka-ito that needs to be redone. The fuchi kashira are iron with gold accents. The tsuba, kotsuka, kogai, and kojiri are as pictured and matching. If you buy this tanto I can put you in touch with a tsuka-maki shi (handle wrapper) who does excellent work quite reasonably.

All of this is wonderful, except for the ha-giri. I am pricing this for the koshirae; the blade is thrown in. 1 pound. $725.

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