Q837. Papered Koto Tanto in Koshirae
Q837. Mumei tanto with NTHK paper, dated 2017, giving it to Den Seki Kaneharu.
Nagasa: 10 5/8″ 27 cm.
Sori: Minimal.
Moto haba: 2.3 cm.
Moto kasane: .5 cm.
Nakago nagasa: 3 3/4″ 9.5 cm.
Overall in koshirae: 16 3/8″ 41.8 cm.
Hira zukuri, iore mune. The hada is ko itame with mokume elements and some slightly coarse masame. The hamon starts with a short yaki dashi (straight) and becomes doran (billowing) with a bit of sanbon suji (pointed) and choji (clove), all in a bright and consistent nioi guchi, ending in a kaen (flame) boshi with a medium kaeri. The blade is in polish and mounted with a gold foil habaki (there is a small tear in the foil).
There is an aikuchi (without tsuba) koshirae. The saya is a ribbed black lacquer. There are a few small dents in the lacquer but none is missing. There is a sleeve in the saya for a kogatana/kotsuka but these are missing. The kojiri is horn. The plate at the mouth of the sleeve, kurikata, koiguchi, fuchi, and kashira are en suite: shakudo with gold inlay. The menuki are shakudo and gold tigers. The handle wrap is professionally done and in excellent condition.
There were a few smiths who signed Kaneharu working in Mino in late Koto. The paper doesn’t specify a smith but does give Tensho (1573) as a date. Another nice tanto in better than decent koshirae: this one would fit quite well in your collection. 1 pound, 3 ounces. $1,950.
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