Q559. Long Katana in Koshirae


Q559.  Mumei mounted katana.

Nagasa:  28 5/16″  71.8 cm.

Sori:  1.4 cm.

Moto haba:  3 cm.

Moto kasane:  .7 cm.

Saki haba:  2.2 cm.

Saki kasane:  .5 cm.

Nakago nagasa:  8 1/8″  20.8 cm.

Overall in koshirae:  40 1/2″  103 cm.

Shinogi zukuri, koshi zori, iore mune, chu kissaki. The hada is ko itame with itame. The hamon is suguba with subtle hataraki, in a bright and consistent nioi guchi covered in fine ko-nie. The boshi is slightly undulating, ending in o maru with a short kaeri. There are bo-hi on both sides. The blade is flawless and, with the exception of a few shallow, insignificant scratches, it is in polish. It is mounted with a silver foil habaki in great condition.

The saya is black lacquer with horn kojiri, kurikata, and koi guchi. There are shallow dents in the lacquer here and there but none of the lacquer is missing. The tsuba is iron and unsigned. The fuchi kashira are of shakudo with gold inlay. Menuki are gold or gilt farmer’s hats and the tsuka-ito is in great condition. Nice koshirae.

Nice package; you should be pleased.  3 pounds, 1 ounce. $2,850.

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