N114. Papered Wakizashi signed Ise Daijo Fujiwara Yoshihiro. Nice Koshirae, Goto Fuchi
N114 Nicely mounted wakizashi signed Ise Daijo Fujiwara Yoshihiro.
Nagasa: 17 3/8″ 44 cm.
Sori: 3/8″ .9 cm.
Moto Haba: 2.8 cm.
Moto Kasane: .6 cm.
Saki haba: 1.9 cm.
Saki Kasane: .4 cm.
Nakago Nagasa: 4 3/4″ 12.2 cm.
Overall length in koshirae: 27 1/4″ 69.5 cm.
The hamon is suguba in a tight nioi-guchi, with ample and subtle hataraki and covered in the finest ko-nie. The boshi is a continuation of the hamon ending in a pointed ko-maru and short kaeri. Ko itame and mokume hada. The blade is flawless and is very close to being in polish; only a few tiny smudges and 2 or 3 almost invisible dings to the edge interfere. The nakago is maybe a tad bit suriage (machi okuri?), with 2 mekugi-ana (one plugged in lead).
The saya is lacquer with horn koi-guchi and kurikata. Other than for a couple small dings (see my last picture for the most significant) the lacquer is intact. The tsuba is iron sukashi. The fuchi is gold and silver and signed Goto Senjo with a kao. Senjo was the 15th mainlaine master. I have compared this signature with ones in my books and it looks right. The kashira is horn. The menuki are shakudo and gold, plant theme I think. The kotsuka is shakudo, very fine nanako, and with gold cherry blossums. I don’t know the signature on the kotsuka. The tsuka-ito is perfectly intact and the habaki is a well done gold foil.
This is accompianed by a paper issued at the 1983 shinsa at Albuquerque, New Mexico; signed by Fukunaga Suiken, Shibata Mitsuo, and John Yumoto. The shinsa work sheet is here also.
Yoshihiro was no slouch. He worked with Shodai Tadayoshi, is rated Jo Saku in Fujishiro and Ryowazamono for sharpness. A lovely set that requires nothing other than enjoyment.
1 pound, 12 ounces. Now $2,550.
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