B694. The Sword and Same’ by Joly & Hogitaro


B694.  The Sword and the Same’ by Joly and Hogitaro.  1979.  Hardbound, there is no dust jacket, 7 1/2 x 10, about 250 pages in English.  This is actually 2 books printed as one: The Sword Book in Honcho Gunkiko, and Book of Same’ Ko Hi Sei Gi.  The first, by Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725), a Privy Councilor  to the Shoguns, and the 2nd by Inaba Tsurio, a dealer of same’ (ray skin), written in 1777.  The 1st is the history of the sword and a whole lot more; the 2nd is absolutely everything there is to know about the different rays that were harvested for their skin and how those skins were used.

A former owner’s stamp is inside the front cover. Condition is great.  1 pound, 10 ounces.  Now $60.

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