B394. Masamune: A Genius Swordsmith and His Lineage


B394.  Masamune: A Genius Swordsmith and His Lineage by the Sanno Museum.  2002.    Softbound, 8 ¾ x 11 ¾”, 174 pages in Japanese with an introduction and list of plates in English.  By focusing on Masamune, this book presents the history of the Soshu tradition, from early Bizen smiths, to Shintogo Kunimitsu and Yukimitsu, to Masamune and his students, and on to later smiths of Soshu.  Great photos and well done oshigata illustrate.  Great book.  This title is included in the Index of Japanese Sword Literature on the JSS/US website.

Condition is excellent.  2 pounds, 3 ounces.  Now $95.