B1085. 115 issues of Token Bijutsu with Translations. 48 Pounds of Study


B1085. A very large stack of Token Bijutsu by the NBTHK. Each issue is softbound, 7 1/4 x 10 1/4″, maybe 60 pages in Japanese. Each issue has a partial translation in English which is printed on 4 or 6 stapled pages (often in fine print). Token Bijutsu is the monthly publication of the NBTHK, the organization at the National Sword Museum in Tokyo. The translated material includes the fold out page with a highly important sword, a highly important fitting, and the monthly kantei (identify this sword) challenge, followed by the monthly kantei session (5 swords described and explained), and the answer to a prior month’s kantei challenge.

I have issues # 523 through 630, roughly early 2000 through 2009, plus maybe 8 issues from the past year. All are in great condition. All are indexed in the Index of Japanese Sword Literature on the JSS/US website. Due to the weight these will go to someone in the US most likely; overseas post would be expensive. 46 pounds, 8 ounces. Now $75.