B1067. Translations of Fujishiro’s Nihon Toko Jiten


B1067.  Translations for Nihon Toko Jiten (Fujishiro’s) by Harry Watson.  Hardbound in 2 volumes, 8 1/2 x 11 1/4″, about 300 pages in the Koto volume and 270 in the Shinto volume, both in English.  Nihon Toko Jiten is the 1st book you reach for to research a sword’s signature; wouldn’t it be nice to know what they have to say?  Other than the translation, you get glossaries and indexes.

Need just the Japanese original volumes?  See B738.  You can buy all 4 volumes at B758.

These books are from 2 different printings and have slightly different covers.  Both are inscribed by Harry to the original owners and both are in excellent condition.  5 pounds, 5 ounces.  $600.

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