B707. Gai So Shi 外装史 by Robert Haynes


B707.  Gai So Sh: Study Collection of Japanese Sword Fittingsi by Robert Haynes.  2010.  Hardbound, 8 3/4 x 11 1/4″, 236 pages in English.  Robert Haynes is the Grand Old Man of kodogu study in the west and he may well be the world’s foremost authority.  Over a long life of collecting, thousands of pieces have passed through his hands.  Some years ago he sold off a large majority of his collection; he kept only 189 pieces.  In this book he presents these pieces, the ones that most interested him.  Each piece is shown in chronological order, in crisp color photography, life size and often also in enlarged detail.  The text is thorough and scholarly, as would be expected form Mr. Haynes.  At the back of the book is a section with closeups of the signatures.  This is an important book; if you care about kodogu you want it.

The book is in excellent condition.  3 pounds, 2 ounces.  $150.

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