B667. Tsuba Taikan by Kawaguchi Noboru
B667. Tsuba Taikan by Kawaguchi Noboru. 1972. Leatherbound with plastic jacket and slipcasex, 6 ¼ x 9”, 1,100 pages in Japanese, and the name of the artist is given in English with the 1st piece by the artist illustrated. Also included is Bessatsu (Supplement), hardbound, 66 pages of text in Japanese. An amazing book in a very special binding; also quite early for serious tsuba study. The book opens with a section of color photos of great tsuba, follows with black & white pictures and descriptions of hundreds of equally great tsuba (most shown both sides), and ends with a very extensive text. A beautiful book and great reference.
The slipcase is a bit dinged, nothing serious. The books are in excellent condition. It is with a trusted consignor in Japan; my usual guarantee applies. 8 pounds, 10 ounces. $225.