B521. Kanshiro Nishigaki, Hirata & Shimizu, Hayashi & Kamiyoshi, 3 books by Ito


B521.  Works of Kanshiro Nishigaki, Works of Hirata and Shimizu, Works of Hayashi and Kamiyoshi by Ito Mitsuru.  3 books on the great Higo masters by Ito Mitsuru.  All items in each of the books are shown in Staccato print color photographs (google staccato print to learn about this technology; it’s impressive).  All items are shown both sides and are listed and briefly described in both Japanese and English.  Each of the books comes with a spiral bound, full translation by Markus Sesko.
Works of Kanshiro Nishigaki.  2008.  Limited edition of 500.  Clothbound with slipcase, 8 ½ x 12”, 267 pages in Japanese.  285 items from generations I to IV in color photos.  The translation is 68 pages of small print.

Works of Hirata & Shimizu.  2007.  Limited edition of 500.  Clothbound with slipcase, 8 ½ x 12”, 367 pages in Japanese.  324 items.  The translation is 95 pages of small print.

Works of Hayashi & Kamiyoshi.  2008.  Limited edition of 500.  Clothbound with slipcase, 8 ½ x 12”, 471 pages in Japanese.  396 items.  The translation is 123 pages of small print.

In case you haven’t noticed, I have a weakness for books.  I care about most all of the books I sell but these 3 are special.  The obvious effort and attention to detail that the author and publisher have taken with their publishing is remarkable.

The books are in like new condition. 19 pounds, 4 ounces.  $1,425.

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