B458. Tsuba Meisaku Shu by Dr. Homma 1952
B458. Tsuba Meisaku Shu by Dr. Homma, the NBTHK, and The National Sword Museum in Tokyo. 1952. 8 ¾ x 12 ¼”. A slightly unusual format for this book: ribbon tied case holds 159 loose pages with 2 pictures of tsuba each, and a 65 page, softbound introduction. Some tsuba are shown both sides; other plates show 2 different tsuba. Each pictured tsuba is described in English and Japanese both; the introduction volume (list of plates, outline of tsuba history, short essays on schools of tsuba making, and a glossary) is 27 pages of Japanese and 38 pages in English. This book was published in conjunction with a very major show of tsuba at the museum; only the best pieces are included (amazing stuff). This book is a very difficult find; I found no Excellent condition. 4 pounds, 4 ounces. Was $325; now $95.
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