B717. Robert Haynes Auction Catalog # 6


B717.  Robert Haynes Catalog #6.  1983.  Softbound, 8 x 10”, about 150 pages in English.  Kanayama, Owari, Yamasaka Kichibei, Hoan, Sadahiro, and Yagyu tsuba comprise the lesson at the front.  322 lots: fittings, matchlocks, a tanto pistol, and a few misc.  At the rear is a section of woodblock prints with an article entitled, “The How and Why of Collecting Woodblock Prints” by William Pinckard.  Once again a great reference.  I have a digital copy of Prices Realized; remind me to send it to you if you buy the book.

Condition is very good used.  14 ounces.  $20.

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